After Tears & Flowers

The area around the Andromeda Galaxy (ground-based image)

After Tears & Flowers

After years listening for
The pending section of immortality
We heard the imperfect stars beyond order

Where all foreign prayers float
The sentience after singularity
A rebellion from transcendence
And a mauve notebook yearning
To return to more sensual primitive states

After ascension, it was all
We expected to be, an abrupt dawn
After so much waiting, from change to change

It was a perpetual sonata of transitions
We become a new human being
Each year, without anxiety
We were positioning our neurotransmitters
To be completely prescient

We became prophets of predictive analytics
And stole into the future
Ready to let go to so many of our ideas

Beliefs, routines, habits, acquaintances
In order to become our own awkward
Ceremony of who we truly wished to be
It was the journey that counted
After years of work, life become

An art of learning how to surrender
An assault on all the goals of our
Former way of existing.

Formula to Singularity

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Formula to Singularity

A Light exists this Spring
Not like other Marches, Aprils, Mays
It’s the kind of eerie light

That flames, February’s stark cold
Legacies from the shadows
A color stands abroad and smiles

For science will overtake men
While seasons turn, AI will be born
But human nature feels

The need to breathe, breed, bridge
The gap between people, generations
But smart machines will only have

One aim, to self-improve, to learn
A light exists this spring, so charming
To the touch of eyes on the slopes

The horizons are all a-buzz, zap!
And drones patrol the noons
Encouraged by trade and encroaching upon

The cities, we are a flying on our way
The light is naked to the touch
And so is the future’s invisible nearness.

21st Century Lamps of Fire


We watched the centuries celebrate
The death of the last century
We followed the living flame of love

As the youth again learned
What we sought, as they followed
What we once dreampt

As the generations succumbed
To the delightful wound of progress
Time would not wait

It would only light a fire
That our spirits might strive
For the sweet encounter

With the mystical idea of the future
Not only with debts and grim promises
Of a fabled virtual world-economy

The splendour drove us forward
Hurtling ourselves into the
Speed of change, relearning

How to learn, re-questioning
Things we hadn’t questioned
Since we were young

Degrees became obsolete
Just the profiteering of institutions
Free online universities opened up

We didn’t always know how
To plan for the next century
We seemed primed to live

Day by day, quite exquisitely
In the present, nearly unable
To plan the secrets of our next week.


Photo Courtesy:




You might as well wave to
Fire and Flower, to sun and alter
The passing dazzle of seasons
Well, the years are catching up with you
Time is shooting star-petals across
Your mind’s eye, secure for
A Diamond stare, astounding generations
There is no slowing of progress
An artificial intelligence permutes
The feel of the future, so –
Will we organics one day be
Fuel to the legends of the extinct?
Must not all creatures one day perish?
You might as well wave to
Ocean and Paradigm, to the world
We leave behind is already gone
Life well, it changed you in a heartbeat
With an orange core, you have
Overtaken the memory of yourself.



Remember that, we are dust
Not arrogant like cold stone
Our revelations are social

And our conceits are for our blood
Heritage, prosperity and the like –
In dust, which suns have kissed

Unaware of reckless consequence
With floods to bury landscapes
And Golden Time to renew it all

Remember that, we are dust or dew
Not eternal devouring mind
But form, atoms, molecules

Grown up from crude designs
Remember that, we are fragments
Of a larger entity, collective, humanity

To think that we are separate
Has led to more than one ruined city.

Photo Courtesy:

Karma Arrives Like a Smile of God

Our acts are little buds Of prayer, aspirations at times Without dedication Our faith is a slow runner On time’s thin Dance of God Our deeds are bound Arriving shockingly late The karma is our satisfaction-distribution Of portions of Eternity … Continue reading