Treatise on Rabia al Basr

my soul
There is a temple, a shrine, a garden
where my religion is love
nature, freedom, peace
Where time
Does not have a body
And the future is not
A question of economy, survival, friendship
But where all dissolves
In divinity and connectedness
where ecstasy gets poured into itself
spreading across the galaxies
like a spiritual luminosity
my soul
There is a voice, a whisper, a melody
where all art retreats in deeper revelry
and hope
Does not require a family, nation, empire
But can include everything, everyone, all beings.

4 thoughts on “Treatise on Rabia al Basr

  1. Those last two lines…

    My entire being is devoted wholly to destroying borders; let love be love, no matter who it’s from, let people be people no matter where they come from, and happiness be fluid without obstruction. This is… there are no words, just feelings and warmth.

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