New World Disorder Illness


Brothers, I’ve seen some
Astonishing sights
Invisible to my eyes before
A lion in my soul kept watch

For the signs, of the end of the world
Sisters, I’ve felt the fish spawning
Life on the firm branches of new trees
The sky lit in ambivalent temperatures

Solar flares that shared the
Restlessness of the times
The Environment didn’t like
How our key fit into the universe

Extinction seemed the logical
Way to press these misfits off the Earth
Brothers, I feel our hour is ticking down
Every species has its time to shine

I’ve seen some hopeless events
A world corrupt in mismanaged imaginary wealth
Some living in outrageous luxury
While the majority live in squalor

Brothers, I wasn’t born in a just world
Though I wonder if I have children
If they will have a city to live in at all
That does not bear roots of blood
Whose civil unrest won’t swallow them all.

11 thoughts on “New World Disorder Illness

  1. We are so on the same wavelength. I wrote about Apocalypses today too.But differently.Yesterday’s poems were so beautiful. You are spent.This is just a feeling. As long as you write, there is hope.

  2. Pingback: Nature does compute…and commune.. | Greatpoetrymhf's Weblog

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